Vom crea împreună, pentru a imortaliza frumusețea pe care numai pasiunea ar putea să o facă vreodată.

Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu


Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu


Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu

Cununie Civila

Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu

Fotografii premiate pe siteul ProwedAward cu distinctia “Photo of the day”

Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu

Fotografii recente

Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu
Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu


Photomemories by Stefan Teodorescu

Andreea Popescu 

A fost o deosebita placere sa colaboram cu o asa echipa minunata! Evenimentul in sine devine mult mai frumos si mai relaxant atunci cand ai alaturi de tine oameni care reusesc sa capteze momente unice pe care ulterior sa le adaugam in povestea vietii noastre! Multumim din suflet si va recomandam cu mult drag!